Thursday, December 16, 2010

Journey in Guangzhou

It is 6:30 in the morning on Friday. We were traveling to Sophie's Orphanage today, but had to cancel because I'm sick. Thought I was better, but ended up with fever last night. Hopefully we will have a chance next week to go. It is 4 hours from our hotel and then the return trip and I knew I just couldn't make that long of a trip today. On Wednesday we traveled back to the Guangzhou Center of Adoption Affairs to officially make SOPHIA GRACE AIFANG a BEAN!! She is now one of us! PRAISE GOD!!! Yesterday we made a trip to the police dept. to do Sophie's passport paperwork. Hopefully today I can get some rest and start feeling better. The kids have been amazing. Bernard took the boys out yesterday, but Lauren and I stayed at the hotel to bond with Sophie. Please pray for good health for me and that the rest of the family stays well. We miss everyone very much and can't wait to see you.

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